Thursday, December 13, 2007

When baby cries, do you listen and ask why?

My son is over 8 months now. He can make 4 to 6 steps without falling. However, until now I haven’t mastered the reasons why he would suddenly cry, especially at night. Amazingly, when he is hungry or when he is wet, he never cries unlike most babies.

I understand that crying is how babies communicate their needs, wants, and most of all, their feelings. They normally cry when they are wet, hungry, ill, or feeling discomfort. Sometimes, they can be unreasonable –they simply cry for no reason at all. This would perplex me more often.

My mom asked me if I try to listen to my son’s cry and discern the reason why. I ask, do I have to? Are there different distinct cry for each need or reason? She resoundingly said yes. So I took her advice and started listening intently and study the way my baby would cry for a particular reason.

What I noticed in particular is that, when he cries loud in an outburst that says that he is badly hurt and needs soothing immediately. So far, that was the only thing that is so distinguishing with his other cries. Other than that, especially when he wake sup in the middle of the night, I still can’t find any reason why he cries.

When your baby cries, do you listen and ask why? I guess, I need some tips here from you moms.


Unknown said...

When my babies were little -- oh so many years ago -- I had the same problem. People always said you could distinguish what they needed by their cry, but I could never see any difference. When they cried, they simply cried.

When my daughter-in-law first started leaving my granddaughter with me, she said, "You'll be able to figure out what she needs by the way she cries". And, sure enough, she has a certain cry when she is hungry and a certain cry when she is tired and ready to be rocked to sleep. There are times when I can't figure out what is wrong, but it is certainly easier than it was with her daddy when he was a baby --

Love your blog -- savor these moments when your family is young. The memories will warm you heart forever.

Erlin said...

@ Susan

I am so much delighted that there is somebody like you who can so relate. I am learning little by little. Now I think I understand the cry when he needs to go to sleep and can't seem not to find it.

Likewise, mu hubby is quite helpful in this department. In fact, he is more sensitive to the cry of our son and can easily soothe him. Why is that?


thaks for the compliment and for regularly visiting my blog. Yeah I will visits your blogs too.

Themuxicbox said...

hi~ I love your blog ;D

Steve said...

my wife and I are in the same boat...our 3 mo son hardly cries, unless you ignore his warning signs. At least we can usually figure out what they are before he goes into full fledged crying. The cries themselves though, are not treally distinguishable, at least not to me. The mnost common times he cries is when he is trying to sleep, and his pacifier falls out...he'll wake himself up, and start making some noise...the longer it takes us to get it back in, the stronger the crying. I'm assuming it is some kind of security feeling for him.

All that said, I wouldn't trade any of it for the world...he is my pride and joy, and my heart jumps everytime his face lights up with a smile, and he laughs. :D