Monday, February 4, 2008

The Pride and Joy of Rearing a Man

I remember a catchy phrase on the Jerry Maguire movie uttered by Renee Zelwager who plays Dorothy in that movie: I am not just raising a kid, I am raising a man. As I watch my son asleep, I kept asking myself was it worth it to leave a budding career in order to take care of him on a full-time basis? Then this phrase always hit me –I am not just raising a kid, I am raising a man. Indeed!

If he grows up to be into a fine Doctor or a brilliant Lawyer, of course I would be the first one to shout on top my lungs that I reared this young man –I am his proud mother! Am I hysterical there? Nah. Who cares? Isn’t this what every mom wants for her son? That is the pride and joy of rearing a son into a fine man. That is my pride.
“ I am not just raising a kid, I am raising a man.”


Heart of Rachel said...

I remember this phrase from Jerry Maguire.

May your son grow up into a good man. Wishing him a promising life.

Thanks for dropping your Entrecard.

Iris said...

Good on you! this inspire every mum like us who chooses this type of career (Raising our kids).

Good luck on your new career (Being mommy is the most rewarding career in the whole world, to tell you that! :D

HotMomma said...

Yes, indeed, raising kids is not as simple as some think. It is tough and must be taken seriously. May your man grow up right.

You may want to read my post entitled "Mommy Potter" - it is on the same topic. My website:

God bless you.

Becky said...

You my dear are so right! May your little boy grow up to be a good man!

Kidazy said...

I think any parent who stays home to raise a child full time is amazing, not to say those who don't aren't but the work and effort it takes to stay sane and be a good parent is amazing!

Michelle said...

You are definitely right...and somehow that phrase makes parenting seem so much more important, you know? It makes me wonder how my sons will look back upon their childhood...

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I like this :)

feel free to come by my blog.

bing said...

moms are always proud. and no man can equal what a mom can do for her child.