Thursday, December 27, 2007

Four Things to Avoid Duirng Pregnancy

Your health and that of your baby in your womb are the most important aspect of normal and healthy pregnancy. Hence, alcohol, smoking, unprescribed medications (including herbal medicines) and excessive caffeine should be avoided during your pregnancy. Research has shown that each of these presents definite risks to you and/or to your unborn baby. Here are the reasons why you need to avoid thee 4 cardinal things to avoid during pregnancy:
  • Alcohol
Very high alcohol consumption is associated with babies born with mental retardation, nervous systems, and facial abnormalities.
  • Smoking
Smoking or inhaling smoke raises the risks of having a premature or underweight baby.
  • Medication
Do not use any medication except those prescribed by your doctor. Some drugs have harmful effects on your fetus.
  • Caffeine
Try to avoid excessive amounts of caffeine in your diet. Its effect on the developing human fetus is unclear, but animal studies have shown that it can cause fetal abnormalities or low birth weight babies. Better, avoid it just the same.

Adding, sleep well, relax and eat a well balanced diet. On other things that are peculiar to you, kindly consult your doctor. Happy pregnancy!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Another thing to avoid is mercury toxic foods such as White Tuna. White tuna is worse than the Chunk Lite tuna.