Monday, March 31, 2008

Back to Blogging and a Few Personal Updates

It's been awhile since my last entry.

My hubby brought us to his parent's home for a 2-week vacation. Unfortunately, they do not have internet access hence I had to go silent for awhile. I miss blogging, and so here I am announcing my return.

MJ is growing a bit faster than I expected. He's kinda 'hyper-active' these days and I started noticing that there some solid that he simply do not like, and a few that he like so much. My mother-in-law told me that it is but natural.

It is indeed true. In fact I read in a parenting magazine awhile ago that the disliking for certain food is but natural. Something that is not learned nor taught. Growing babies has the natural taste for or liking for some food and dislikes the rest.

Okey. It is not that I am complaining, but I am really learning a lot from the experience.

Any thoughtful mom out there who has a similar experience?

1 comment:

riot - bring the radio said...

i'm really impressed that you can keep up with blogging during such a busy time in your life. i think it's wonderful!